"Keep your eyes upon me, keep me in your sight,
Help me don the crooked road, lead me to the light.
The road I'm on is dark, I'm not sure if I know the way,
Yet with you right beside me, I'm certain I won't stray.
Protect me from the world, I know we'll make it through,
Give me all the strength I need..... Let me lean on you."
Megan Stroup
This web site is a page dedicated to all my wonderful friends who during my life existence were here for me, supporting me in my way, in my projects, in achieving my dreams and following my star.
In order to thank each one of them, I simply say:
Thank you Mama and thank you Tata (my first best friends)!
Thank you my beloved Husband (my second best friend)!
This web site is also a way to express my gratitude and my joy to the ones I won as friends and for the ones that I will win from now on in my life!
Thank you to all of you! God bless you always! AMIN!
Help me don the crooked road, lead me to the light.
The road I'm on is dark, I'm not sure if I know the way,
Yet with you right beside me, I'm certain I won't stray.
Protect me from the world, I know we'll make it through,
Give me all the strength I need..... Let me lean on you."
Megan Stroup
This web site is a page dedicated to all my wonderful friends who during my life existence were here for me, supporting me in my way, in my projects, in achieving my dreams and following my star.
In order to thank each one of them, I simply say:
Thank you Mama and thank you Tata (my first best friends)!
Thank you my beloved Husband (my second best friend)!
This web site is also a way to express my gratitude and my joy to the ones I won as friends and for the ones that I will win from now on in my life!
Thank you to all of you! God bless you always! AMIN!